Knowledge and Competences
The aim of 3DC Academy is to acquire and impart knowledge in form of methods and systems, which enables people to communicate more successfully in their professional sphere. Our focus is on practical relevance:
- 3DC Academy designs training and consultation that is didactic and tailored to the circumstances and needs of the users.
- Stakeholders can acquire the methods and systems through interactive training and coaching, and apply them immediately thereafter.
Methods and Systems
- 3DC Model
- Motive Model «Profit – Pride – Peace – Pleasure»: Analysis and classification of various (customer) motives
- 3D Entrepreneur Model: Introduction to three-dimensional business thinking and action
- 3D Culture Model: Model to analyse and prevent cultural misunderstandings and conflicts
- Checklists and methods for presenting, conversing, chairing meetings, participating in meetings, teams, sales, pitches, negotiations, conflict resolutions, management, career and personality, public appearances, media relations, etc.
- Management and strategy concepts, development of marketing activities, creation of corporate mission statements, promotion of networks, accompanying corporate culture and change processes, etc.
Forms, Implementation
Interactive seminars, training, coaching, lectures, moderation, symposia, events, business simulations, mediations, supervision, train the trainer concepts, etc.