Communication Style Characteristics

According to the 3DC Model a person's communication style is always a combination of different styles. The 3DC Model distinguishes between the different basic characteristics:

  • One style dominates strongly and is perceived more than others. Those who are unable to adapt their communication style intentionally to their audience communicate with all conversation partners in the same style.
  • Potential consequences: Such people are more "predictable" in terms of their communication behaviour than others. There is an increased probability of conflict when dealing with people who do not share this style.

  • Two styles are equally pronounced. People in this group change from one style to the other, knowingly or unknowingly.

    Potential consequences: If such people are able to consciously change their style, they are more flexible and adaptable. If they change their style unknowingly, there is an increased probability of conflict when dealing with people whose communicative style is clearer or different. Such people are harder to "predict" in terms of their communication behaviour and are sometimes considered "erratic".

  • All three styles are equally pronounced. People in this group change the three styles, knowingly or unknowingly.
  • Potential consequences: If such people are able to consciously change their style, they are extremely flexible and adaptable. If they change their style unknowingly, there is a higher probability of conflict when dealing with people whose communicative style is clearer or different. Such people are much harder to "predict" in terms of their communication behaviour and are sometimes considered "very erratic".
  • All other combination options.

    This knowledge does enable us to develop an "ideal dosage" of styles when dealing with individuals, groups or the public.